Double click to view larger images, pricing is head only and should be used in conjunction with the "How to use the guide" page.
Note: Left hand price "Private sale" / Right hand "Retail" in GBP £
Mint - 67500 80000
Good - 47500 57500
Avg - 20000 25000
Poor - Prices lower
Watch out for relumed hands/dials, incorrect serial ranges as value much lower
Mint - 50000 60000
Good - 32500 40000
Avg - 16500 20000
Poor - Prices lower
Watch out for relumed hands/dials, incorrect serial ranges as value much lower
Mint - 37500 45000
Good - 24000 30000
Avg - 12500 15000
Poor - Prices lower
Red chrono hand similar
Watch out for relumed hands/dials, or later serial cases as values much lower than guide values.
Mint - 67500 80000
Good - 47500 57500
Avg - 22500 27500
Poor - Prices lower
Check for specific details to be correct, re case, serial no & movement
Mint - 22500 27500
Good - 16000 20000
Avg - 6500 8000
Poor - Prices lower
Low Swiss + 10%
Thin bezel T swiss dial 85xxx serial batch -25%
Mint - 16000 20000
Good - 10500 12500
Avg - 5000 6000
Poor - Prices lower
Thin bezel T swiss dial 84xxx serial batch -25%
Motor Age logo ++
Mint - 17500 21000
Good - 11000 13500
Avg - 5500 7000
Poor - Prices lower
Check for correct back case as unique to series
Mint - 17500 21500
Good - 11000 13000
Avg - 5500 7000
Poor - Prices lower
A&F dials +
1st exec dials in 85xxx serial case +25%
Mint - 60000 75000
Good - 40000 50000
Avg - 17500 22500
Poor - Prices lower
Check for serail ranges, existing examples 84xxx & 88/89xxx
Mint - 11500 13500
Good - 7000 9000
Avg - 4000 5000
Poor - Prices lower
Transitional +10%
Heuer only "Solo" +
Motor Age logo +
Mint - 12500 15000
Good - 8000 10000
Avg - 4500 5500
Poor - Prices lower
NB - Hands should stop short of tachy scale
24hr bezel +
Mint - 31500 37500
Good - 22000 27500
Avg - 10000 12500
Poor - Prices lower
Check serials, existing 89-96xxx , ie last 2446 batch
Mint - 52500 65000
Good - 32500 40000
Avg - 16000 20000
Poor - Prices lower
Check serial range,specific batch 999xx - 100150
Mint - 12500 15000
Good - 9000 11000
Avg - 5000 6000
Poor - Prices lower
Mint - 6000 7500
Good - 4500 5500
Avg - 2250 2750
Poor - Prices lower
A&F dials +