Double click to view larger images, pricing is head only and should be used in conjunction with the "How to use the guide" page.
Note: Left hand price "Private sale" / Right hand "Retail" in GBP £
Mint - 47500 60000
Good - 32500 40000
Avg - 15000 20000
Poor - Prices lower
Mint = no dial damage, Good = little damage, Average = degraded dial
Mint - 12500 15500
Good - 8000 10000
Avg - 4000 5000
Poor - Prices lower
Mint only if dial not degraded with seal melt and sub registers unmarked
Mint - 7250 9000
Good - 5000 6000
Avg - 2500 3000
Poor - Prices lower
Mint - 7250 9000
Good - 5000 6000
Avg - 2500 3000
Poor - Prices lower
Mint - 7250 9000
Good - 5000 6000
Avg - 2500 3000
Poor - Prices lower
Mint - 6000 7500
Good - 4250 5250
Avg - 2000 2500
Poor - Prices lower
73633G Grey Subs Same
Mint - 35000 42500
Good - 22500 27500
Avg - 11500 13500
Poor - Prices lower
Check for original finish, serial should be visible under high magnification